Weekly Astro Weather May 1 - May 7, 2023

Weekly Astro Weather May 1 - May 7, 2023

A deeply transformative and emotional week lies ahead, with three major astrological events designed to help us connect with the depths of our psyche and emerge more empowered.

On May 1, Pluto goes retrograde until June 11, 2023, giving us a unique opportunity to break free from toxic relationships and harmful patterns that keep us from living a more fulfilling and expansive life. 

Pluto is the planet of emotional depth and powerful transformation, and when it goes retrograde, it turns our attention inward. Therefore, this is the perfect time to examine our thought and behavior patterns with compassion and to shine a comforting light on our emotional wounds.

Let's remember that Pluto is a transpersonal planet and its effects are felt on a larger scale. Pluto is retrograde in Aquarius, so this transit can bring social upheaval to free us from outdated processes and regulations.

On May 5th we will receive the life-changing energies of the Full Moon eclipse in Scorpio, bringing a mysterious and unpredictable vibe to the atmosphere. Whatever surprise, drama or shock you experience, don't panic! It will make room for something more positive to happen.

Scorpio rules the depths of our subconscious, so it's best not to make sudden decisions and changes, but to probe beneath the surface to discover their underlying meaning.

These troubled waters may bring emotional turmoil that will be soothed by the nurturing nature of Venus entering Cancer on May 7th. 

The planet of love, sensuality and relationships takes on a kind, sensitive and compassionate tone, encouraging you to connect with your inner self and protect your emotional well-being.

Expect your relationships to become more intimate and fulfilling as you lay the foundation for a lasting, secure and healthy bond.



It's time to take care of your emotional needs and take a well-deserved break to recharge your batteries. You are always on the go, thinking about your next big project, but this week is a better time to prioritize yourself and engage in self-care practices. Surround yourself with the people you love and don't take on more tasks and commitments than necessary. This will replenish your vitality and leave you feeling more motivated afterwards.



The lunar eclipse brings a unique opportunity to take a look at the negative patterns you have been repeating in your relationships. Take a look at the reasons why your past love affairs didn't work out and think about what you can do to make things better. This is not to make you feel guilty or beat yourself up, but to let go of the things that are holding you back from realizing your true potential.



Your overall well-being will be a wake-up call this week, but nothing to worry about! If you feel more tired or demotivated, take it as a sign from the universe to prioritize your inner peace by taking care of yourself. If you need to cancel certain social engagements that you don't feel like attending, do so. Don't worry about what others think of you, and focus on making yourself happy.



Venus in your sign brings a positive environment to your love life. Your natural charm and social skills are greatly enhanced, boosting your confidence and making you more outgoing and flirtatious. It's a good time to put yourself out there and meet new people. If you're already in a committed relationship, this is an excellent week to rekindle the love and passion by doing something different, such as a romantic escapade or a fun date. Take an interest in your partner's dreams and desires, just as you did when you first met.



Your emotional foundations are being shaken by the lunar eclipse, which brings a unique opportunity to pay more attention to your spiritual life. You may find that some things have no logical explanation, and there's nothing to do but trust in the master plan of the universe and believe that everything happens for a reason. Keep a curious and open mind about this experience and spend some time meditating and tapping into your intuition to understand where this is coming from.


Expect a hectic few days this week, as your adventurous spirit and curious nature are very active. You are interested in expanding your social circle and meeting people from different cultures, backgrounds and experiences. You'll learn a lot from spending time with people who have a unique outlook on life, which will also encourage you to let go of outdated biases and prejudices that keep you from living a more expansive life.



There are some positive surprises in your career path this week, creating the perfect opportunity to showcase your hidden talents to those around you. Your trademark charm and diplomatic skills are at an all-time high, making this the perfect week to ask for a raise, go on a few job interviews or pursue a more challenging position. Remember that a good network of contacts can take you far in your career. Talk to the right people, and you'll guarantee yourself a prosperous future.



The lunar eclipse in your sign brings an important change in your life. You take center stage this week by prioritizing your emotional well-being. This increase in your self-confidence and ability to recognize your needs will encourage you to expand your horizons and take more risks in pursuit of your desires. You can let go of your self-doubts and insecurities and embrace new experiences. Love is not off the table, so be mindful of your surroundings and let your magnetic charm shine through.



If you feel tired or emotionally drained this week, try to take things slowly and do the emotional work you've been neglecting. You are optimistic at heart and don't usually like to dwell on past hurts or experiences. Doing so, however, will bring positive insights into your current circumstances and obstacles. Be compassionate about your own feelings and ask for support when needed. Being vulnerable is not a weakness! On the contrary, it will lead to more intimate and fulfilling relationships.



Your relationships may take on a more nurturing, sweet and dreamy tone this week. You may feel like connecting with your significant other from a more emotional and authentic place, which requires you to come out of your shell and show your vulnerability without fear of being judged. This attitude will improve all your relationships and soften the rough edges with the people you deal with on a daily basis. Express yourself without overthinking everything you say or do and see how things change.



You are a highly intellectual person who can easily think outside the box and come up with innovative ideas to solve your everyday problems. But how much time do you spend grounding yourself in your physical senses and enjoying the finer things in life? This week you are warmly invited to slow down and smell the roses. If you feel like taking an extra nap or opening a bottle of wine with friends, do so. You deserve to enjoy every aspect of your life experience.



Feeling inspired lately, Pisces? Your creativity and imagination are all over the place this week, so expect to feel motivated to take up hobbies or new artistic pursuits. You have a vast inner world and imagination, and other people will be delighted to see it expressed in your artwork. The key is to enjoy everything you do without overthinking or analyzing it. Let go of your logical side and immerse yourself in all your activities. Enjoy the journey as much as the destination.

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